2024 Research Outputs

Journal and Book Publications

Arroyo, J.P. (2024). The prevalence of the female athlete triad components and risk factors in athletes and dancers. Stadium-Hungarian Journal of Sports Sciences, 7(1).https://doi.org/10.36439/shjs/2024/1/14562 

Arroyo, J.P., & Salubayba, T. (2024). Online physical education: Insights from the COVID-19 pandemic experiences. Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2(9), 51-62. https://doi.org/10.69569/jip.2024.0291 

Aseron, D. (2024). Predictors of senior high school teacher's job satisfaction level. Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2(7), 34-40. https://doi.org/10.69569/jip.2024.0139

Bailey, R. P., & Guinto, M. L. (2024). International Sports Studies: What’s in a name?. International Sports Studies, 46(2). https://doi.org/10.69665/iss.v46i2.59 

Campoamor-Olegario, L. A., Guinto, M. L., Camitan IV, D. S., Gomez, M. G., Pituk, C. S., Yleaña, C. J., Edilo, I. G., Diaz, F. C., Bajin-Camitan, L., & Jamon, K. G. (2024). Enhancing well-being in physical education classes: Applying the PERMAH Framework in the Philippines. In M. Garcia (Ed.), Global Innovations in Physical Education and Health (pp. 261-290). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-3952-7.ch010

González-Rivera, M.-D., Guinto, M. L., & Rodríguez-Hernández, M. L. (2024). Navigating Gender Dynamics in Sport and Physical Activity Employment. International Sports Studies, 46(2), 52–81. https://doi.org/10.69665/iss.v46i2.64

Guinto, M. L. M. & Ang, D. F. (2024). Beyond the game: Well-being amid life disruptions among elite athletes, Performance Enhancement & Health,100316, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.peh.2024.100316

Guinto, M. L. M., & Bailey, R. P. (2024). EDITORIAL: Embracing the Future: Transitioning to a Completely Open-Access Platform. International 

Sports Studies, 46(1), 1–2. https://doi.org/10.69665/iss.v46i1.31 

Guinto, M. L. M., & Camitan, D. I. (2024). Comparative Investigation of Differential Mood Responses among Elite, Non-Elite, and Non-Athletes in Total Lockdown. International Sports Studies, 46(1), 36–65. https://doi.org/10.69665/iss.v46i1.17 

Kho, E., & Mallari, M.F. (2024). Stars and spikes: Analyzing fan attraction to star players in the Philippine professional volleyball league. Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2(8), 534-543. https://doi.org/10.69569/jip.2024.0312

Konukman, F., Filiz, B., Moghimehfar, F., Maghanoy, M.A., Graber, K., Richards, K.A., Kinder, C.J., Kueh, Y.C., Chin, N.-S., Kuan, G., et al. (2024). Exploring physical education teachers’ intention and perceived constraints in offering online lessons using the Theory of Planned Behavior: A multi-country analysis. Behavioral Sciences, 14(4), 305. https://doi.org/10.3390/bs14040305

Mallari, M. F. T., Santos, L. A. G., Callanta, H. P., Papa, E. L. V., & Valleser, C. W. M. (2024). Effect of morning v. evening training on sweat rate and sweat sodium of competitive ultimate athletes. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 12(3), 586-591. https://doi.org/10.13189/saj.2024.120315

Reilly, J.J, Andrew, R., Abdeta, C., Azevedo, L. B., Aguilar-Farias, N., Barak, S., Bardid, F., Bizzozero-Peroni, B., Brazo-Sayavera, J., Cagas, J.Y., Carrizales-Ramos, R., Chelly, M.-S., Christiansen, L.B., Djordjic, V.D., Draper, C.E., El Hamdouchi, A., Fares, E.-J., Gába, A., Hesketh, K.D., … Aubert, S. (2024). Improving national and international surveillance of movement behaviours in childhood and adolescence: An international modified Delphi Study. Sports Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-024-02104-2

Seechung, A. S., & Guinto, M. M. (2024). “You take my place; let’s switch!” What It Means to Be a Woman Powerlifter in Parasport. The Qualitative Report, 29(3), 649-670.https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2024.6153

Conference Presentations

Arroyo, J.P. (2024 July 15-19). The prevalence of the female athlete triad components and risk factors in athletes and dancers. [Conference poster presentation]. The 7th IOHSK International Conference, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines.

Aseron, D. A.,  (2024, July 5-8). Counteracting Motor Delay: A Father and Child Playfulness Experience [Conference Virtual presentation]. 2024 IAHPEDS World Congress, Tokyo, Japan. https://iahpeds.org/2024-World-Congress 

Aseron D.A . (2024, September 27). Navigating hurdles: Overcoming challenges in implementing the senior high school sports track curriculum. [Forum presentation]. CHK Research Forum, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

Asilo, V. A. (2024, November 13-15). All locked up. [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Sports and Exercise Science (ICSES). Bangkok, Thailand.

Brebante, Z. T., (2024, July 5-8). Comparison of Online and Face-to-Face Physical Education from the Teachers’ Perspectives [Conference presentation]. 2024 IAHPEDS World Congress, Tokyo, Japan. https://iahpeds.org/2024-World-Congress 

Castro, C. B., (2024, July 5-8). BRAINDANCE: Improving Focus and Motor Coordination among Children with ADHD [Conference presentation]. 2024 IAHPEDS World Congress, Tokyo, Japan. https://iahpeds.org/2024-World-Congress 

Diaz, F.C.B. (2024, Sept. 27). Innovations in teaching physical education (PE): post pandemic by the University of the Philippines.  CHK Research Forum, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 

Diaz, F.C.B. & Aseron, D.A. (2024, November 23) Satisfaction in physical education classes: A survey of factors impacting student experience. [Conference presentation]. Kahimunan 2024: Mindanao Research Conference, U.P. Mindanao, Davao City, Philippines  

Diaz, F.C.B. and Aseron, D.A. (2024, 28 November - 1 December). Exploring factors that shape student satisfaction in physical education classes [Virtual presentation] International Hybrid Conference Workshop on Physical Education, Sports, and Exercise Science, Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo, Japan.    

Guinto, M. L. M. (2024, October 23 - 24). Empowering Minds: Promoting Mental Health among Girls and Women through Physical Activity [Virtual Presentation], 1st International Congress and the 2nd National Congress on Women, Physical Activity and Healthy Society, Alzahra University, Tehran-Iran

Guinto, M. L. M. (2024, July 21 - 26). Sport for Psychosocial Care Post-Disaster: A Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration [Oral Presentation], ASEAN Regional Union of Psychological Societies Invited Symposium: Innovative Psychosocial Interventions in Crises and Disasters, 33rd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.

Kho, E.P. (2024, Sept. 27) Stars and spikes: analyzing fan attraction to star players in the Philippine Professional Volleyball League.  CHK Research Forum, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

Kho, E. (2024, November 13-15). The mirror has two faces: Media representations of Filipino athletes and their alignment with humanistic values and competitive drives. [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Sports and Exercise Science (ICSES). Bangkok,


Mallari, M. F. T. and Valleser, C. W. M. (2024, November 13-15). An investigation into fluid intake, fluid balance, sweat composition of collegiate football athletes. [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Sports and Exercise Science (ICSES). Bangkok,


Mallari, M.F.T. (2024, Sept. 27). Effect of morning v. evening training on sweat rate and sweat sodium of competitive Ultimate athletes. CHK Research Forum, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

Mallari, M.F.T. (2024, Sept. 27) The Effect of choco malt milk supplementation (CMM) plus structured sports on elementary students' physical activity (PA), nutrition, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). CHK Research Forum, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

Navarro, J. C. B., Mallari, M. F. T., Maghanoy, M. L. A., Callanta, L. F. S., & Valleser, C. W. M. (2024, November 13-15)). The effect of choco malt milk supplementation (CMM) plus structured sports on elementary students’ physical activity (PA), nutrition, and health-

related quality of life (HRQoL). [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Sports and Exercise Science (ICSES). Bangkok, Thailand.

Ramos, R., De Bosscher, V., & Pankowiak, A. (2024, November 13-15). The relationship between context conditions and elite sport policy in shaping international sporting success: insights from the Philippines. [Conference presentation]. International Conference on

Sports and Exercise Science (ICSES). Bangkok, Thailand.

Ramos, R.A. (2024, Sept. 27). The relationship between context conditions and elite sport policy in shaping international sporting success: insights from the Philippines. CHK Research Forum, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 

Sabado, M. C., (2024, July 5-8). Stress and Burnout Issues Among Teachers in the Philippines During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Conference presentation]. 2024 IAHPEDS World Congress, Tokyo, Japan. https://iahpeds.org/2024-World-Congress 

Ulanday, M.D. (2024, July 5-8). College Physical Education Teachers’ Additional Workload to Conduct PE Classes During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Conference presentation]. 2024 IAHPEDS World Congress, Tokyo, Japan. https://iahpeds.org/2024-World-Congress 

Valleser, C. W. M., Mallari, M. F. T., Maghanoy, M. L. A., Callanta, L. F. S., & Navarro, J. C. B. (2024, November 13-15). The effect of structured physical activity and daily choco-malt milk supplementation on the physical fitness of Filipino children. [Conference

presentation]. International Conference on Sports and Exercise Science (ICSES). Bangkok, Thailand.